info@bcp.net.pk 111-277-111
Online Admissions


Beaconhouse College Programme strives to nurture curiosity, interest and passion for each subject among its students through experienced staff, contemporary teaching methods and a prime focus on important global issues.

Access Centre

The Access Centre at the Beaconhouse College Program plays an increasingly proactive role in supporting and assisting students in their foreign and local university placements.

ACE Core

ACE facilitates the holistic profile development of our students by placing practical exposure, leadership opportunities and critical thinking, with positive action at the heart of their learning.

Apply for Admission

Fall 2025 applications are now open

BCP is an exceptional place for students to discover their true potential. We are focused on the holistic development of our students and set them to reach upwards and onwards, in their professional and personal life. BCP is committed to providing excellence in education and seeks out the brightest minds to test and broaden their intellectual horizon.